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Friday, December 31, 2010

Post Holiday Lemmings

A belated happy holidays~ LOL...
I've been surfing and googling a lot of products I've been lemming to try. Most of them are Korean cosmetics and skincare. I got to hand it to them because they have the absolute EXTENSIVE range of skincare. Not just the basic cleanse-tone-moisturize. Most Korean skincare products like SkinFood has around 6 to 8 products per line that ranges to the cleanser, toner, mask sheets, emulsion, serum/essence , eye cream, cream (sometimes with 2 variants -- day and night) and then there's the sunblock, primer, bb cream and all those stuff. Whew, mouthful eh? o.o although I've never used such extensive products for my face. I'm still a cleanse-tone-moisturize girl + derma preparations haha. 
Anyway, back to the topic here are some products I've been lemming to splurge on coz...well it's the holidays :)

image taken from www.thesamplestore.sg
Lioele Blooming Pop Pinky Tint - eek! it looks so cute and I read that it's a possible dupe for Benefit's Posietint. I'm definitely preordering this from a multiply seller!
Other stuff that are on my want list:
~SkinFood White Grape Fresh Light Pact
~SkinFood Peach Sake Pore Serum
~SkinFood Rice Mask
~Missha M BB Boomer - I have a sample of this and it's absolutely ♥. It works great as a primer and for adding a boost of glow to my (dull) face
~Bare Naturals new 12pc professional brush set-  ooh! gorgeous really.
~Nyx Round LipStick in Orange Soda, Summer Love and Circe

and last but not the least...
Guerlain Meteorites Pearl >.< yeah I want this so bad! But it's just expensive! I've been really debating about this. This is not on my NEED list. But definitely no. 1 in my WANT list. Ever since I saw a picture of this in the in-house Singapore Airline shopping brochure I WANTED one. I would have bought then and there at the airplane but my aunt who was with me stopped me from buying such EXPENSIVE item. Oh sigh! Now, I WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT one, but I'm thinking is it okay to splurge on a single item that costs almost P3000? Or just use that P3000 to buy other stuffS that are more useful to me? Quantity vs Quality I suppose >.<



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